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Space Availability - CSC Zoom Rooms

Central Societies Committee Zoom Rooms

Please treat all Zoom Rooms as if they were physical rooms, there will be events before and after you. CSC Zoom Rooms are strictly for trinity society use.

CSC Zoom Room One and Two are Zoom Pro meeting accounts. 

Zoom Meetings are great for hosting interactive sessions where you’ll want to have lots of audience participation or break your session into smaller groups. Zoom’s Breakout Rooms feature allows you to easily assign participants to virtual side sessions and bring them back to the main meeting. If you are hosting a secure internal event, we suggest using our Waiting Rooms feature. You can send all participants to the Waiting Room when they join your meeting. You can then admit attendees one by one or all at once, think of it as checking membership at the door. While Zoom Meetings also offer tools to manage participant interaction, they are more impactful when you’re looking to have broader participation.

CSC Zoom Room Webinar One accounts. 

Think of webinars like a lecture hall or auditorium. Webinars are ideal for large audiences and events that are open to the public. Typically, webinar attendees do not interact with one another. Though Zoom provides options for you to get more social with your attendees with meeting accounts, your average webinar has one or a few people speaking to an audience. (In most cases CSC Zoom Rooms can be used in place of Webinars)

Check out: Best practices for running a Zoom Event 

Google Meet:

Via your society accounts you also have access to Google Meet which you can also host meetings and events on. Login to your CSC account and visit Instructions here.


Booking a Zoom Room:
  • Select any of the green slots below.  
  • By default, an hour slot is selected. To extend this select the drop-down menu which will appear below the slots. 
  • Please note each booking places 30 minutes of padding on either side of the booking to allow for one event to finish and another to start.
   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding